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What Are Otherkin?

Otherkin is a broad term that describes people who identify as non-human. This term includes therians (people who identify as non-human, typically non-sapient animals) and fictionkin (people who identify as characters originating in works of fiction). Otherkin may identify as mythical species such as elves or unicorns, or as entities who's existence has not been proven, such as aliens. This identity is often, but not always, spiritual in nature. Someone may describe their experience as "having the soul of a rabbit", or as strongly identifying with a past life.

Are Otherkin Mentally Ill?

Some people with delusional beliefs may feel that they are not human, but this does not necessarily mean that all people who feel they are not human are delusional. There are many more qualified discussions about the distinction between delusion and spiritual experience, which i will link here when the site is complete, but for our purposes we can define delusional beliefs as causing a significant amount of distress to the person experiencing them. If your non-human nature is preventing you from enjoying life and connecting with others you should seek support from someone you love and trust or from a trained professional. Some people may use a non-human identity to cope with more complicated uncomfortable feelings about their identity. For example, it may be easier to be an earwig trapped in a human body than to acknowledge that you are actually transgender. Not all otherkin do this, but it is worth examining your motives and feelings. At the end of the day being otherkin is no more or less special than anything else about you, and can only ever be a temporary fix if you're using it to mask other issues.

Are Otherkin Furries?

There is no innate link between otherkin and furries. Spirituality is not an innate component of the furry fandom, and as such people of any belief system and faith (including no belief system at all) are equally welcome. Some otherkin may be furries, in the same way that some otherkin are web designers, some otherkin are trekkies, and so on.

Are Otherkin Zoophiles?

No. Animal abuse has no place in the otherkin community and it never will. Regardless of past life experiences, spiritual misplacement, psychological identity, or any other explanation for being otherkin we are living as humans. As a human it is not possible to have a healthy relationship with a non-human animal. Otherkin who find themselves dealing with this are urged to seek help from a counselor trained in issues related to sexuality.

Do I Need Past Life Memories to be Otherkin?

Not necessarily! Lots of otherkin remember past lives, but not all. Memory is faulty even for mundance, present-life issues. Where did you put your keys? What did you have for breakfast two Tuesdays ago? When you last got in an argument with someone what color socks were you wearing? Its normal to forget details of even important events. Additionally, it is very easy to manufacture memories of past life events. When doing recall work try to think critically and not accept the first thing you recall. Consider how you might benefit from a memory--for example, would it give you more respect in your friend group if you found out you were an elven ruler in a previous life? Would it validate some part of your identity that you're insecure about? Take recall work with a grain of salt, and never trust anyone who claims to be able to confirm your memories with total accuracy.

What is Shifting?

Shifting can be defined as taking on the traits of one's kintype. Since it is impossible to physically shapeshift this often occurs as a change in thought process, perception, and self-image (mental shifting) or a change in the 'etheric make up' of one's body (astral shifting). Shifts can be intense and scary, but with conscious effort can be controlled. Some otherkin do not shift. Some report feeling that they are always their kintype, and that they do not experience feeling more or less connected to it any more than the average person feels more or less human at any given moment.

Is Otherkin a Cult?

Otherkin is not in and of itself a cult. The Bite Model is a useful framework for identifying cults. It breaks cult behavior down into four areas of control:

  • Behavior Control such as dictating who an individual interacts with, where they live, or how they spend their time.
  • Information Control such as lying, limiting an individual's access to media that has not been pre-approved.
  • Thought Control such as manipulating an individual's memories or discouraging critical thinking.
  • Emotional Control promoting feelings of guilt or fear, shunning those who deviate from approved thoughts or behavior.
It is entirely possible that otherkin beliefs can be used in a cult-like manner. As a general rule, maintain some suspicion when joining any group. If someone offers something that seems too good to be true, like being able to physically transform into your kintype, or being able to materialize canonmates into this world, chances are they're both lying and expecting something from you.

Is Otherkin an Internet Thing?

No. Beliefs in spirit travel, animal spirits, and animism are prevelant in many cultures worldwide. The concept of otherkin as we currently know it has existed at least since the 1970s, when The Silver Elves formed. You can check out Orion Scribner's Otherkin Timeline for more information about early otherkin.